Groceries Distributions and Medical help to senior citizens

*Suhruth Trust Services on 9 & 10 August 2020*

Monthly Groceries and Rs.1000 Given to *Narsamma Yadagiri Gaaru* for medicines at Sri Ram Nagar, Srinivas Nagar, Hyderabad


Monthly Groceries and Rs.1000 Given to *Shivesham Gaaru* for medicines at New Vivekananda Nagar Colony, Chinta, Hyderabad


Monthly Groceries and Rs.500 Given to *Lingachary Gaaru* for medicines at Srinivas Nagar, HyderabadOld Clothes distributed at Allwyn Colony, Hyderabad

🙏🙏🙏Thank you so much*Sri.C Rajesh Gaaru**Sri. Vasu Gaaru*

*Sri. Dr Vinay Gaaru**Sri. Shyam Gaaru* for your contributions to above services.
